Watch romantic gay movies

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Peter brings Nick home to New Hampshire for the holidays, where he plans to lie and pass Nick off as his boyfriend to show his family he can actually be in a relationship – like many a rom-com protagonist who gets grief about being single. The film centers on Peter (Urie) and Nick (Philemon Chambers), best friends and roommates in Los Angeles who have always kept their relationship platonic. Not to mention that the presence of gay icon Jennifer Coolidge was 'like a gay dream come true,' says star Michael Urie. Yes, there has been a glut of LGBTQ holiday romance movies as of late – Hulu's ' Happiest Season' and Hallmark's ' The Christmas House' premiered last year, among others – but this one refreshingly avoids a coming out story and caters to a queer audience.

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Netflix's first gay holiday romantic comedy, 'Single All the Way' (now streaming), has arrived to lift holiday spirits and change up a traditionally heterosexual genre.

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Be prepared for more than just holiday cheer this December.

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